by Lea

Our Brisket

Close up of cooked brisket in a white dish

What is Brisket?

Brisket is a cut of beef from the cow’s chest, which works hard to support the animal’s weight. Though it’s a tougher piece of meat, brisket can completely transform with a bit of time and gentle heat. Cook it low and slow for many hours and it will nearly melt in your mouth.


Each animal has only one treasured brisket which means each must be treated with care. We prepare Brunette brisket with deep respect for the animal and only source local beef from regenerative farms. The health of the animals we eat has a direct impact on the health of our bodies. When beef is a treat, it deserves to be the best. 

The Brunette Difference

Tradition and technique. We braise the brisket using low and slow heat to tenderise the meat and elevate its natural flavour. It melts in your mouth, drips with rich jus, and is as good as any restaurant.


PreparedDelivered sous vide. Brunette brisket arrives fully prepared and packaged in vacuum-sealed pouches for easy storage. Simply pop everything in the fridge and it’ll be ready when you are. At dinnertime, reheat in boiling water and watch as a beautiful, complete brisket dinner gently slides from the packaging. A stunning meal with minimal effort. 

Pasture-fed and UK-sourced. Our brisket comes from a small butcher near London who sources pasture-fed and finished beef from regenerative farms. Regenerative farming helps reinforce depleted soils, enrich the land, and restore our ecosystems with respect for natural animal behaviours. We also source our seaweed, salt, and seasonal vegetables from the UK. It simply tastes best.

How to Prepare Your Meal

Be sure to refrigerate your brisket delivery when it arrives. Then it will be ready in 20 minutes once you get hungry.

You will need


or 2 medium ones, filled with water.


or a tool to help you grab the pouch from the water bath (hot!).


Your phone is fine – it only takes 20 minutes anyways.


to open your pouches.


for digging in and serve ware if you’re feeding a crowd.


to serve your brisket dinner.

Ready in 5 Simple Steps

Boil the water.

Plunge the package of braised brisket and boil for 10 minutes. 

Add the pouch of seaweed potatoes and boil for 5 minutes.

Boil the fermented vegetables for 2 minutes if desired (also great chilled!). 

Remove the pouches from the water, cut them open with scissors, and plate.

Plating Tips

Selection of cooked food on a table, brisket potatoes and vegetables.

Dinner for two?

Serve your brisket, potatoes, and vegetables all on one plate. 

Feeding a crowd

Our six-person brisket feast is best served on many plates with a big platter of sliced brisket au jus as the centrepiece. 

Selection of cooked plated foods on a table, potatoes, brisket and vegetables